Computing Science Research Skills Workshops and Seminars (CSRSWS)

This provides a homepage for CSRSWS, which is a monthly (or more frequently) session hosted by volunteers wanting to share their expertise with their colleagues. These can range from soft skills to technical, beginner to expert level, and with no specific format. This means lectures, seminars, tutorials, group-based learning and so on are all welcome. Each session is recorded for future reference, and with all media used (such as slides, demos and other materials) available after each session. This is not for sharing research but skills relating to research.

Here is a list of requested / offered topics to take inspiration from:

  • Java packages
  • Software design best practices
  • Linux tips & tricks
  • Python toolkits and frameworks
  • Statistical analysis
  • Fitness landscape tools
  • Evolutionary algorithm toolkits
  • HPCC Tips
  • Git & Github
  • SVN
  • Jupyter Notebook / Labs
  • vim
  • IDE tips (e.g. eclipse, visual studio etc)
  • Script sharing
  • Testing frameworks
  • Parameter tuning toolkits
  • Academic Comp. Sci CVs / Resumes
  • Graphical creation tools (graphic, networking, informative color based figures)

Upcoming Sessions:

Looking for new sessions, please contact reidken1 AT to offer to present.

Past Sessions:

Introduction to Conda

Abstract: Conda is an open source package and environment management system that runs on Windows, macOS and Linux. Conda easily creates, saves, loads and switches between environments on your local computer. It was created for Python programs, but it can package and distribute software for any language. Conda is widely used by python users to create personalized environments to run specific projects. Environments created by Conda can also be reproduced on other machines. You will learn how to use Conda, create environments, install packages and create environment backups.

Host: Dr. Rodrigo Pelicioni Savegnago (he / him), MSU Research Associate - Department of Animal Science
Date / Time: Friday November 5th @ 14:00 - 15:00 EST.
Materials: [YouTube][PDF]

Introduction to Docker

Abstract: Docker is a group of technologies used to specify, materialize, distribute, and execute programs along with the computing environment they require. It has the potential to aid in the reproducibility of computer-based research and avoiding the scenario of "But it works on my machine!" and could possibly be used for bioinformatic software such as SAMTOOLS, BCFTOOLS, HTSLIB, or software development environments e.g. Python versioning. Docker is widely used in the software industry for similar benefits as software moves between development, testing, and live environments. We'll discuss what docker is, its basic usage, and best practices.

Host: Edmund Fokschaner (he / him), Software Engineer @ Riot Games
Date / Time: Wednesday October 27th @ 1400 - 1500 EDT.
Materials: [YouTube][PDF]

Academic CV / Résumé Discussion

Abstract: Writing a CV / résumé can be difficult and much different from one for industry use. In this session please bring along your CV so we can discuss and criticize each of our CVs with the aim of improving and learning from one another. We will also discuss other forms including LinkedIn, personal websites, departmental website profiles, ORCID, ResearchGate, etc. This is open to anyone from undergraduate to professor.

Host: Dr. Kenneth N. Reid (he / him)
Date / Time: Friday July 2nd @ 1030 - 1200 EST.
Materials: [YouTube]

Citable and web-enabled supplemental material

Abstract: In this tutorial, I'll show you how I compose citable (with a legit DOI) and web-enabled supplemental material for publications. By adding a DOI to your supplemental materials (using Zenodo or OSF), you can add it to a paper's references and cite the supplement where appropriate throughout the paper. Turn your supplemental material into a website using GitHub + GitHub pages, and never paste supplemental source code into pdf again! We would also love to hear your tips and tricks for composing supplemental material! After the tutorial, we'll have a discussion about things folks have done for supplemental material, things you've seen that you liked, and things you've seen that you don't like!

Host: Dr. Alexander Lalejini

Date / Time: June 10th 2021 @ 11am
Materials: [Example supplemental material, Making supplemental material citable, Tools for web-enabled supplemental material][YouTube video of workshop]

Blockchain Explained!

Abstract: With the rising popularity of blockchain technology, companies are rushing to find new ways to leverage its power with interesting and innovative applications. With its obvious robust features like the ability to generate a permanent ledger, reductions in transactional costs, increased transparency and accurate tracking, there is yet still more the be explored. Yet, as a concept, blockchain is still a complex idea for majority to understand. With this in view, this workshop will provide the fundamental skills and concepts needed to dive into the blockchain domain. The concepts of blockchain coupled with hands-on programming scripts will enable the audience to understand the underlying blockchain technology, see how communication takes place with data flowing across different elements of the network. We will also look at some currently popular development tools with relation to different technologies blockchain technologies with emphasis on decentralized application development.

Host: Salman Ali
Date / Time: 24th May from 11am-12:30pm

MSU – BEACON Center Biomedical and Physical Sciences Building 567 Wilson Road Room 1441 East Lansing, MI 48824
